It's been a long time since we last spoke I still wonder what you're up to After all that shit we've been through And I've been spending a lot of time drinking and smoking...
It's been a long time since we last spoke I still wonder what you're up to After all that shit we've been through And I've been spending a lot of time drinking and smoking...
Wish I could call right now Wish I could tell you everything I need, right now If I could take away my faults And never do you wrong again, again If I could call back I wouldn't hesitate...
Berikut lirik terjemahan dan makna lagu Changes milik Jeff Bernat yang telah diartikan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.
Cover Wrong About Forever by Jeff Bernat – Hola sobat ALL, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas lirik lagu Wrong About Forever dengan terjemahan milik Jeff Bernat yang dirilis pada 14 Februari 2019 lengkap dengan makna lagu dan arti lirik Wrong About Forever ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Wrong About Forever merupakan lagu dari […]